It must be the third day of this Winter which snows. It beautiful to wake up & see the powder white snow slowly falling from the sky. Well, only if you can stay inside, sit near a fireplace & read a good book. For me, I had to wake up the kid, prep him & take him to school. The driving was not bad, the high temperature kept the snow from sticking on street surface, which is good.
Got to talked to a head hunter about a programming contracting job, and then a potential interview with Daon. Daon is a company doing biometric solution for many customers & agencies, so ... quite interesting. Looking forward to an interview. This afternoon, I also have an interview with CACI, will see how that pans out.
Overall, this is a good week, with two interviews and few more in the pipe line. If one of those can land me a job, then I would not feel so edgy & worry. I know, I should not feel worry, should keep my focus & positive thinking, but it's just hard to do when both of us are out of job. Each day goes by, is another severance day gone.
Obama Assails Iran for Violent Response to Protests
I read the article in the the New York Times website. Basically, the news
article talks ab...
15 years ago